Final Image (Image is very large, please click on the file to view image)

Above is the final (digital) image ready for printing.

The image will be printed to 40 X 60 inches so that the viewer up close to the print only renders pixels & once they step back they see the image change and their mind identifies it as a person.

It has been a technical challenge to get the image to print "pixelated" as whenever the image passes through another buffer of compression and enlargement the computer and accompanying software think I am ruining the image. In earlier prototypes I could compress the image to a low PPI (between 2 and 14 ppi), resulting in the computer merging the pixels together so that there was no defined border between each pixel. I resolved this by compressing the image to a low PPI, scaling up back to 300 PPI (Standard PPI for printing), then in Adobe InDesign scaling the image again to fit a 40 X 60 inch frame and resaving the image at 300 PPI as a PDF to prevent pixels merging; and / or the printer reading the image incorrectly as a low-resolution file.