Email response

Dear friend


It has been a while. That picture you showed me was great, it held something

lovely, essential, about you. I have been thinking about you because of it.

Could you help me remember? What were the circumstances, who took it,

where were you? How was the light, those groovy clothes you were wearing?

Perhaps you don’t remember?


Write soon, missing you, I want to remember that photograph of you.


Your friend





Dear friend


Thanks writing. The photo was taken by my mum of me and my sister and we were standing outside our blue front door.  In the photo, I’m pulling a silly face, grinning with my eyes crossed and my sister is laughing with her eyes closed. It would’ve been taken at midday with natural light diffusing over us not creating strong shadows. My sister was wearing a red pea coat and I was wearing a black hoodie.
